• Sat 22. Jul

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    hand walk
    elbow instep rotation
    kneeling lat stretch

    b) warm up 6min
    amrap 6min
    10 ring rows
    10 push ups
    10 alt. db deadlifts
    partner rows

    c) conditioning 30min
    in teams of 2
    amrap 30min
    1000 m row
    8 ring muscle ups / 20 pull ups
    40 alt. db snatches 20/15kg

  • Fri 21. Jul

    a) mobility & warm up 6min
    line drills

    b) deadlift 15min
    work up to a heavy set of 10

    c) conditioning 15min
    amrap 15min
    2 rounds
    800m run
    50 wall balls 20/14lbs

    directly into

    max bar facing burpees

  • Thu 20. Jul

    a) mobility 4min
    1:00 each
    samson stretch
    inverted hamstring stretch
    down dog to seal
    kneeling chest stretch

    b) warm up 6min
    3 rounds
    10 push ups
    20 mountain climbers
    10 kb deadlifts
    20 jumping jacks

    c) strict weighted ring dip 10min
    4 sets
    8 strict weighted ring dips

    rest 1-2min between sets

    d) conditioning 20min
    amrap 20min
    40 sit ups
    21 kettlebell swings 24/16 kg 
    200m run

  • Wed 19. Jul

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    hand walk + push up
    sumo squat stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    on every 1:30
    3 rounds
    10 ring rows
    10 air squats
    remaining time handstand hold

    c) push jerk 12min
    work up to a heavy single

    d) benchmark conditioning 15min
    3 rounds for time
    21 pull ups
    15 handstand push ups
    9 thrusters 60/40kg

  • Tue 18. Jul

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    samson stretch
    hand walk
    lat stretch on box

    b) warm up 6min
    amrap 6min
    in teams of 2
    10 good mornings (empty bar)
    10 elbow rotations
    10 step ups
    partner does bike

    c) conditioning 28min
    4 rounds x amrap 5min
    5 power cleans 70/50kg
    10 box jumps 75/60
    15/12 cal bike / ski

    2min rest

  • Mon 17. Jul

    a) mobility 3min
    1:00 each
    hand walk
    cossack squats
    calf stretch

    b) warm up 5min
    1:00 row
    1:00 burpees
    1:00 sit ups
    1:00 air squats
    1:00 single unders

    c) front squat 12min
    build to a heavy set of 3

    d) conditioning 20min
    for time
    100/80 cal row
    60 burpees over the rower
    40 toes to bar
    200 double unders

    Beat the Coach: 15:27