• Mon 24. Feb

    a) 4 sets
    4 frontrack lunges (climbing)
    10m heavy reverse sled drag 80/60

    b) amrap 15min
    5 db power cleans 20/15
    10 alt db frontrack lunges 20/15
    20 shuttle runs

    scaled 15/10

    a) 4 sets
    4 frontrack lunges
    8m reverse plate throw

    b) amrap 15min
    5 db power cleans
    10 db frontrack lunges
    20 mountain climbers

  • Sun 23. Feb

    a) 4 sets
    10 alt lateral kb goblet squats
    10 kb windmill/side
    10 side plank rotations/side

    b) for time
    5 rounds
    10 plate ground to overhead
    20 plate russian twist
    10 burpee on plate

  • Sat 22. Feb

    for time
    in teams of two
    50 wall balls 20/14
    10 kb swings 24/16
    30 box jump overs 60/50
    40 wall balls 20/14
    20 kb swings 24/16
    30 box jump overs 60/50
    30 wall balls 20/14
    30 kb swings 24/16
    30 box jump overs 60/50
    20 wall balls 20/14
    40 kb swings 24/16
    30 box jump overs 60/50
    10 wall balls 20/14
    50 kb swings 24/16
    30 box jump overs 60/50

  • Fri 21. Feb

    a) build up to a heavy 2rep overhead squat

    b) amrap 6min
    10/7cal ski
    10 hang power snatches 40/30

    2min rest

    amrap 6min
    10/7cal bike
    10 overhead squats 40/30

    scaled 30/20, frontsquats

    a) 3 sets
    5 frontsquats
    60 sec plank hold

    b) 3 rounds
    for total reps
    amrap 2min
    15/10cal row
    max kb high pulls

    2min rest

    amrap 2min
    15/10cal row
    max kb goblet squats

    2min rest

  • Thu 20. Feb

    for time
    30 rounds
    5 wall balls 20/14
    3 handstand push ups
    1 power clean 100/70

    compare to 04.07.2017

    scaled 14/10, hand release push ups, 60/40

    a) emom 10min
    even: 8 half kneeling db arnold press/side
    odd: 8 single arm db renegade row/side

    b) for time
    10 rounds
    10 med ball cleans
    10 hand release push ups

  • Wed 19. Feb

    a) build to a heavy complex of
    1 push press + 1 push jerk

    b) for time
    4 rounds
    40 double unders
    20 pull ups
    10 db burpee box step overs 20/15

    rx+ 25/17,5
    scaled 15/10, single unders (x2)

    a) 3 sets
    4 push press
    30 sec tuck sit hang

    b) for time
    4 rounds
    40 double unders
    20 pull ups
    10 db burpee box step overs