• Sun 15. Mar

    Aufgrund der Verordnung des Berliner Senats ist unsere Box ab Sonntag, den 15.3. bis 19.4.2020 geschlossen.
    Alle Mitglieder erhalten weitere Informationen per Mail.

    Our box is closed from 15.3. until 19.4.2020.
    All members will receive further infos via email.

  • Sat 14. Mar

    for time
    60/40cal bike
    60 alt db snatches 22,5/15
    30 toes to bar
    60 db step ups 22,5/16
    30 pull ups
    60 alt db push press 22,5/15
    60/40cal ski

  • Fri 13. Mar

    a) deadlift 5/5
    5x3 very heavy @90% of 3rm

    b) for time
    5 rounds
    20/15cal row
    10 power cleans 50/35

    rx+ 60/40
    scaled 40/30


    a) 5 sets
    5 deadlifts
    5-10 paralette dips

    b) emom 15min
    1. 15/10cal row
    2. 15 plate ground to overhead
    3. rest

  • Thu 12. Mar

    a) work up to a heavy complex
    power snatch + overhead squat

    b) amrap 13min
    3,6,9,12,15 etc reps
    power snatches 40/30
    overhead squats 40/30
    burpees over the bar

    scaled 30/20, frontsquats

    a) 5 sets
    5 frontsquats
    10 banded good mornings

    b) amrap 15min
    3,6,9,12,15 etc reps
    sumo deadlift high pulls
    air squats
    burpees over the bar

  • Wed 11. Mar

    "Filthy Fifty"
    50 box jumps 60/50
    50 jumping pull ups
    50 kettlebell swings 16/12
    50 walking lunges
    50 knees to elbows
    50 push press 20/15
    50 back extensions
    50 wall balls 20/14
    50 burpees
    50 double unders

    compare to 09.11.2015

    scaled single unders (x2)

    for time
    50 box jumps
    50 jumping pull ups
    50 kettlebell swings
    50 walking lunges
    50 knees to elbows
    50 push press
    50 supermans
    50 wall balls
    50 burpees
    50 double unders

    scaled single under (x2)

  • Tue 10. Mar

    a) 5 sets
    2 rope climbs
    10m handstand walk

    scaled rope pulls, wall climbs, partner supported handstand walk

    b) 3 rounds for max reps
    amrap 3min
    20/15cal ski
    20 shuttle runs (10m)
    max ball slams 20/15
    3min rest

    scaled 15/10

    a) 5 sets
    3-5 strict pull ups
    3-5 wall climbs

    b) 3 rounds for max reps
    20/15cal row
    20 mountain climbers
    max alt db snatches
    3min rest