Workout of the Day

Sun 9. Feb

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
sumo squat stretch

b) warm up 6min
30sec on / 15sec off x2 rounds
1. air squats
2. singel unders
3. scap. push ups
4. ring rows

c) conditioning 35min
emom 35min (7 rounds)
1. 12-20 goblet squats
2. 30-60 double under
3. 12-20 plank push ups
4. 8-15 db bent over row
5. rest

Sunday Endurance for Open Gym

lactate threshold
8 min row cal
4 min recovery bike
6 min row cal
3 min recovery bike
4 min row cal
2 min recovery bike
2 min row cal
1 min recovery bike
row: rpe 5-6
bike: rpe 2-3


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