Workout of the Day

Tue 4. Feb

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
samson stretch
hand walk
calf stretch

b) warm up 5min
amrap 5min
10 ring rows
10 db deadlifts
10/8cal row

c) pull up 13min
4 sets
3 strict weighted pull-ups
- rest 20 seconds -
3 kneeling medball slams
(build in weight)

d) conditioning 17min
for time
40/32 cal row
40 pull-ups
30/24 cal row
30 alternating dumbbell snatches, 22.5/15 kg
20/16 cal row
20 single arm devils press 22,5/15kg
10/8 cal row
100 double unders


  • Stéphane Venne

    15:34 with 20kg DB and SU.
    15kg for the Strict pull-ups

    4. February 2025, 09:41