Workout of the Day

Fri 26. Apr

a) mobility 3min
1:00 each
elbow instep rotation
dynamic hamstring stretch on box
sumo squat stretch

b) warm up 5min
on every 2:30 x 2
10 air squats
10 step ups
10 db swings (5/side)
remaining time row

c) front squat 10min
max unbroken front squats @ 85%

to technical failure

d) conditioning 15min
amrap 15min
30/24 cal row
20 alt. hang db snatches 22.5/15kg
10 db box step ups 60/50cm

e) accessory 5min
accumulate 50 pausing weighted glute bridges


  • Victor


    26. April 2024, 12:50