Workout of the Day

Mon 18. Mar

a) mobility 4min
1:00 each
elbow instep rotation
hand walk
sumo squat stretch
kneeling lat stretch

b) warm up 5min
2 rounds
10 front squats (empty bar)
10 strict press
10 ring rows

1 round
7 thrusters
7 kipping pull ups

c) conditioning 15min
Open WOD 24.3
for time
5 rounds
10 thrusters 29/43 kg
10 chest to bar pull ups

1min rest

5 rounds
7 thrusters 43/61 kg
7 bar muscle ups

d) accessory 8min
on every 2:00 x 4

1: giantset
30 banded face pulls
30 banded rows
30 banded straight arm lat pulls

2: bike (easy)


  • Bisher hat noch niemand einen Score veröffentlicht.